Installing your WPC wall panels
Easy Guide to Installing Your WPS
Materials Needed:
- WPS panels (5 panels per meter once clicked in)
- Top hat battens or timber battens
- Decking screws (corrosion-resistant)
- Fine-tooth saw or jigsaw/circular saw
- Drill (one size bigger than your screws)
- Circular saw (for consistent length cuts)
- Tile adhesive (for small areas)
Step-by-Step Installation:
1. Preparation:
- Measure and mark the area where you will install the panels.
- For installations over long distances (e.g., more than 5 meters), consider using battens for added support. Top hat battens from the hardware store work well, but timber battens are also suitable.
2. Batten Installation:
- Space the battens 500mm apart, or as close as 400mm in high wind areas.
3. Pre-Drilling:
- Always pre-drill holes using a drill bit one size larger than your screws. This allows for some movement due to expansion.
4. Screwing Panels:
- Use decking screws as they are corrosion-resistant and fit within the gaps allowed in the panel channels.
- Install your first panel, ensuring it is level. Once the first panel is secure, the next panel will click into place and only needs screwing on one side.
- Continue fixing one panel after another along the wall.
5. Using Tile Adhesive (for Small Areas):
- If you are covering a small area, many people find it easier to use tile adhesive. This is a quick and very effective solution.
- Apply the tile adhesive to the back of the panel and press it firmly against the wall.
6. Cutting Panels:
- For cutting panels, use a fine-tooth saw to avoid splinters and achieve a clean cut. Jigsaws, circular saws, or hand saws can all be used.
- For consistent length cuts, set up a workstation with a circular saw.
7. Applications:
- This method can be used to clad your house, fence, or to build structures like a bin shelter or pool pump housing.
8. Aftercare:
- The panels require minimal maintenance. If they get dirty, simply wash them down.
By following these steps, you can ensure a successful installation of your WPS panels.